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Upcoming Services, Events and Activities 

Join us for upcoming events at Alrewas Methodist Church! Below you will see what we have coming up over the next few months. We have something for everyone and look forward to seeing you!

More information to follow

Arts Festival

Saturday 17th August to Saturday 24th August

Like many churches blessed with good facilities, throughout the year Alrewas Methodist Church makes its hall available to parent and toddler, dance, fitness and other groups in the local community. But every other year, with the exception of the worship area on Sunday morning,for a full week the whole church building is taken over by Alrewas Arts Festival.

The hall accommodates the Festival box office, an art exhibition and cafe. The vestry becomes a pantry, the church itself a comfortable area for concerts and talks, while behind the hall is an alternative garden and a shed where skills and tools are shared and practical support is offered. The church is one of 16 venues around the village which provide space to 120 events and activities for all ages.

On offer at the Methodist Church on Sunday 18th August from 1.00pm is a jazz concert, which is followed by a talk for children on the life of the honeybee (there is also one for adults later in the week!) and a session led by a local engineer and physicist on energy produced by nuclear fission and fusion. On other days topics include fashion, setting up a book club, antiques and the importance of woodlands.

On Thursday 22nd at 7.30pm, Rupert Feld will be "playing at home" with the Kaleidoscope Choir in Studies and Impromptus.

Full details of the wide range of events, which begin with a Craft Market in Post Office Road on Saturday 17th August and end on Saturday 24th with an evening of music, dancing and a willow lantern parade, go to or phone the box office on 07398 912840.

There is no charge for admission to any of the events but, as the Festival costs £20,000 to stage, donations are requested. Numbers for the workshops, concerts, events and talks are limited, so advance booking is advised - the booking forms are available online. No tickets are required for drop-in events. A takeover at Alrewas? No, a partnership and you are very welcome to come and experience it for yourself!

Image by RhondaK Native Florida Folk Artist
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